Sunday, September 8, 2024

What Food Not To Give Dogs

Foods That Are Poisonous To Dogs

10 foods to NOT feed your dog

As mans best friend, dogs do everything with us: walk around town, ride in the car, play in the yard, and snuggle on the couch. Its natural, thengiven how much time we spend with our four-legged companionsto assume they can eat with us, too. However, human food can be dangerous for dogs, even types of food that are completely safe for us.

Part of the reason we can eat foods that they cant is that dogs are so much smaller than us. They also weigh far less, which means their bodies cant absorb things as quickly. Foods that are perfectly suitable for human consumption, as well as other animals, may be toxic and even poisonous to your dog, posing a serious threat to their health and well-being, writes Canine Journal co-founder Michelle Schenker. Why? Because all animals have very different rates of metabolism.

Another problem is that dogs have voracious appetites and dont always know when to stop. Although some foods are not toxic in small doses, larger quantities can be fatal. Signs of food poisoning in dogs can vary widely, but key symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, dilated pupils, loss of appetite, restlessness, staggering, and disorientation. If you suspect your dog has eaten something toxic, VetsNow recommends never to induce vomiting unless a poison control expert has instructed you to do so. Certain substances can actually cause more damage coming back up and are best left in a dog’s stomach.

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Persimmons Peaches And Plums

The problem with these fruits is the seeds or pits. Seeds from persimmons can cause problems in a dog’s small intestine. They can also block their intestines. That can also happen if a dog eats the pit from a peach or plum. Peach and plum pits also have cyanide, which is poisonous to people and dogs. People know not to eat them. Dogs don’t.

Moist Foods Are Good For A Dog With Kidney Disease

An internet article about how the word “moist” is the worst word ever went viral, getting four million views, but whether you hate that word or not, “moist” is a useful word to remember when feeding a dog with kidney disease.

After all, kidneys are all about water. Water helps everyone’s kidneys remove waste from the blood, coming out of the body as urine.

“When a dog is having kidney failure, its vital that his food is moist to provide much-needed hydration,” says Dr. Patrick Mahaney, a holistic veterinarian based out of Los Angeles. He owns California Pet Acupuncture and Wellness and provides holistic treatment for cancer patients at the Veterinary Cancer Group.

“In kidney failure, the body is not properly excreting toxins through the kidneys,” Dr. Mahaney says. “As a result, more moisture is needed to flush out nitrogen, creatinine, phosphorous, and other metabolic wastes from the body. Therefore, my primary recommendation is to feed a diet that is moistened by water or low-sodium and free from vegetables of the onion and garlic varieties.”

That doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to buy canned brands of dog food that are formulated for kidney disease, or that you should stay away from dry dog food brands formulated for kidney disease.

Dr. Mahaney also recommends that protein sources be “highly bioavailable, which means that the nutrients are readily absorbed and cause minimal stress on the body in the digestive process.

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Is Your Dog Diabetic

If your dog is diabetic and will not eat, this could be an indication that something is seriously wrong. Ask your veterinarian what they recommend doing if your dog wont eat at the time of your dogs diagnosis.

As a general rule, dogs should not be given as insulin if they arent eating, as this can cause dangerously low hypoglycemia. If your veterinarian advised you to give a half dose of insulin if your dog skips one meal, do so, but alert your veterinarian immediately if your dog skips another meal.

If your diabetic dog skips a meal, is lethargic, nonresponsive, or vomiting or having diarrhea, they should be seen by a veterinarian immediately, as this could be an indication of hypoglycemia or diabetic ketoacidosis, both of which are life-threatening if not treated right away.

Human Food Is Not Always Dog

BBQ foods not to give your dog

Foods that are perfectly suitable for human consumption may be toxic to your dog, posing a serious threat to their health and well-being. Some foods can cause vomiting, diarrhea, upset stomach, weakened breathing, kidney problems, seizures, and even death.

Why? Because a dogs metabolism is different from our metabolism. Metabolism is the process of breaking down food and turning it into energy. Your dogs body cant process all types of food the way your body can, so foods that are just fine for you can be bad news for your dog.

Please note, although were attempting to add every food we can find that is potentially unsafe for dogs to this article, there are foods that we may miss. Dont consider a food safe to feed to your dog just because its not on this list of foods bad for dogs.

Do your research if you are uncertain about a particular food, and let us know by adding a so that we can keep this list of what not to feed dogs updated. If you are worried about something your pet consumed, please call your vet immediately.

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What If You Cant Reach Your Veterinarian

In an emergency, when you cannot reach your veterinarian, immediately contact your local animal emergency clinic or

  • Pet Poison Helpline at 1-855-764-7661
  • North Shore America / ASPCA Hotline at 1-888-232-8870
  • ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 1-888-426-4435
  • Note: They may charge a small fee of $59 to $75 per incident and ask for age, weight, medical history of your pet, concern details, amount, when it happened, and current symptoms.

    Best Foods For A Dog With Kidney Disease

    The good news, especially for the overwhelmed pet parent, is that you probably won’t have to get too deep into the weeds to figure out the feeding process. There are dog food brands on store shelves that are formulated for dogs with kidney disease and dog brands that are available by prescription, so you don’t have to set up a corner of your kitchen for food prep, where you’ll be making special doggie meals. You can do that, of course, but you and your veterinarian may decide that you don’t need to.

    Still, whatever approach you and your vet decide on, one thing is clear:

    “The goal is always going to be high quality foods with low protein. High quality protein but low protein,” says Dr. Julie Bailey, a veterinarian and a professor and dean of Becker College’s School of Animal Studies in Leicester, Massachusetts.

    Why is that important?

    The kidneys job is to rid the body of toxins, Bailey says, so when the proteins break down, you don’t want there to be an excess of it.

    Low phosphorus levels are also important, Dr. Bailey adds.

    Phosphorus is an essential mineral, but too much of it can lead to hyperphosphatemia, an electrolyte disturbance in which abnormally elevated levels of phosphate appear in the dog’s blood.

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    Will Your Dog Drink Water

    If your dog will drink water but wont eat, it may be due to nausea, stress, or mouth pain. If they are able to keep the water down, that is a good sign. However, if they are vomiting after drinking water, they should be seen by a veterinarian right away, as this could indicate severe nausea or an intestinal obstruction. If they go longer than 24 hours without eating, even if they are still drinking, they should be examined by their vet to determine the underlying cause of their inappetence.

    If your dog has not eaten or drank in 24 hours or more, they should be seen by a veterinarian right away in order to be assessed and treated for likely dehydration, and to investigate the underlying cause of their unwillingness to eat or drink.

    Anything that can cause a dog to feel ill, such as kidney disease, pancreatitis, intestinal parasites, liver disease, cancer, infection, intestinal obstruction, etc., can lead a dog to refuse food and water. Like humans, dogs cannot go for more than a few days without water, so this should be treated seriously.

    Is Your Dog A Puppy

    3 Foods NOT To Feed Your Dog

    A young, healthy puppy shouldnt go more than a few hours without eating.

    Small breed puppies, especially, are at a high risk of hypoglycemia and should be watched closely for signs of lethargy or collapse if they are not eating. If this happens, they should be treated on an emergency basis.

    Some puppies may not like larger kibble, as it can be hard for their puppy teeth to chew, especially if they are just transitioning to solid food. This can be remedied by mixing in water and letting it soak to create more of a porridge consistency, or the kibble can be mixed with canned food as well.

    If your puppy still will not eat, they should be seen right away by a veterinarian. If they are also lethargic, vomiting, or having diarrhea, they should be seen on an emergency basis.

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    You Can Make This Mealtime Adventure Happen For A Dog On Prescription Food Too

    Nelson knows well that some dogs have specific diet needs, but that shouldn’t prohibit you from mixing it up from time to time just don’t stray too far. “Don’t introduce things outside their diet if they’re on prescription food,” Nelson says. If you’ve got a pet with a sensitive tummy, consider soaking their prescription kibble in warm water and make little biscuits out of it, or slicing their canned food and baking itjust like the sweet potato jerky, Nelson says.

    Can Dogs Eat Bananas

    Bananas can be a yummy and healthy treat for your dog to eat. Just be sure to peel the banana before letting your dog have it. The banana peel isnt toxic to your dog, but it can be challenging to digest and could cause intestinal blockage issues.

    And remember to give your dog bananas in moderation. Too much could cause an upset tummy.

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    Other Foods Harmful To Dogs

    Dairy products can upset your dogs digestive system and cause diarrhea as well as food allergies. Ingestion of just a few macadamia nuts can cause weakness, paralysis and lack of coordination. Avocados contain persin, which can cause mild stomach upset in dogs. The bones in meat, chicken and fish can also be very hazardous to your dog. They can splinter and stick in the throat, break teeth or cut the intestines.

    If you are unsure if you can feed a food to your dog, always consult your veterinarian first. As a general rule of thumb it is best to avoid feeding your dog human food anyways. While it can be hard to ignore those puppy dog eyes looking at you at the dinner table, feeding your dog can often result in weight gain among other more serious issues. To keep your dog out of harms way, it is best to stick to a diet of food specifically formulated to meet your dogs nutritional needs.

    Grapes And Raisins: Cant Eat

    Which Foods Are Safe to Feed Your Pet?

    You should never feed grapes or raisins to your dog.

    Grapes and raisins contain toxic compounds that are harmful to dogs. They have the potential to lead to rapid kidney failure and death .

    Even small amounts of grapes and raisins can make your dog sick, so its important to avoid giving them to your dog altogether.

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    How Can I Solve My Dog’s Stomach Problems

    The answer to this question can rarely be sorted by one appetite supplement alone, you need to find the root cause. It may link back to your dogs dietary requirements, or they may even just be a picky eater. However, an ongoing digestive or stomach problem is usually a symptom of a larger problem. Take your dog to the vets and allow them to run whatever tests they feel are necessary. This could include blood or stool tests, or even just monitoring their behavior. Unfortunately, though, we cannot give you one answer, as every dog and situation is different.

    Gentle Giants Canine Nutrition Chicken

    Gentle Giants have produced a chicken-based dry budget dog food that is packed with vitamins and minerals. It uses twelve whole fruits and vegetables including beets, tomatoes, blueberries, cranberries, spinach, celery, and apples.

    This means that your dog will not only be enjoying a flavor sensation, they will also be absorbing Vitamin A, Vitamin B 12, and Vitamin C from natural sources. These aim to foster good immune health in your dog. We are a little disappointed in this formula’s protein and fat content.

    Containing only 22% protein, this food falls below the average amount in this price bracket. Still, this will adequately meet the nutritional needs of your dog and support their muscles and bones.

    This formula has been designed for dog’s with sensitive stomachs, so it might be a good idea to try this if your pet is having digestive trouble with standard canine food.

    Whilst, it isn’t really competitive with premium foods, Gentle Giants will be more than adequate for pet parents on a tight budget.

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    Macadamia Nuts: Cant Eat

    Dogs should never eat macadamia nuts.

    Macadamia nuts contain an unknown toxin that may lead to vomiting, muscle weakness, tremors, hyperthermia and depression when dogs consume them, even in small amounts .

    Additionally, macadamia nuts have a high fat content, which may elevate your dogs triglyceride levels and potentially lead to pancreatitis.

    Three Rules For What To Feed Your Dog When Youre Out Of Dog Food

    Top 6 Foods You Should Not Feed Your Dog – Petco
    • Avoid excess sodium and fat, which can cause excessive thirst and tummy trouble
    • Aim for a balance of lean protein and complex carbohydrates
    • Consider any allergies or special dietary needs your dog may have

    One of the quickest, easiest dog meals you can prepare according to the rules is plain, cooked chicken with rice. In fact, vets often recommend chicken and rice meals for dogs with sensitive tummies. But thats just a starting point! If youre vegetarian like me, you may not have any chicken on hand that doesnt mean you cant provide your pooch with a quality pantry meal.

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    Determining What To Feed Your Sick Dog

    Choosing what to feed a sick dog is more complex than simple food that they will be less likely to vomit back up. It all depends on why your dog is feeling ill. Take your pup to the vets to firstly have them diagnosed and begin the correct treatment if needed. If your dog is feeling ill, perhaps they have a cold or ingested something that upset their stomach, you will want to feed them bland food. Food for sick dogs like this needs to settle their stomach and remain there, alongside minimizing the chance of it being vomited back up. Furthermore, bland food should help settle your pups stomach from churning and decrease the liquid consistency of your dogs feces.

    However, if your dog suffers from a more serious disease, their diet will need to be much more specific. If they are suffering from cancer, for example, they may require either specific nutrients or different proportions of those to a healthy dog. This is because their body will require aid in different areas and varying food types can be beneficial for this. Hence why you should always consult your vet first, as it can help to diagnose and treat something more quickly, and in more ways than one.

    Onions Garlic And Chives

    Eating these vegetables and herbs can cause stomach and gut irritation and potentially lead to red blood cell damage and anaemia.

    Onions are particularly toxic and signs of poisoning often only occur a few days after your dog has eaten the vegetable. All forms of onion can be a problem including dehydrated onions, raw onions, cooked onions and table scraps containing cooked onions or garlic. Left-over pizza, Chinese dishes and commercial baby food containing onion, sometimes fed as a supplement to young pets, can cause illness. Many prepared foods , sauces and gravies contain onion or garlic powder.

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    Pro Pac Performance Puppy

    This recipe is designed for puppies from weaning until the 12th month. Its also billed as an excellent feed for pregnant or nursing canines.

    We dont find anything wrong with the ingredients because it starts with chicken meal, an animal protein. Ground yellow corn as the second ingredient may be a little bit off, but still not bad. Whats more concerning is the recent recall of this product.

    The maker of this recipe is Midwestern Pet Foods, the same manufacturer of Sportsmix, Nunn Better, and Splash Fat Cat.

    The company is currently embroiled in one of the worst pet food recalls to date concerning aflatoxin, a possibly fatal type of toxin that was found in Midwestern Pet Foods Sportsmix products.

    Included in the recall are two Pro Pac recipes. This particular formulation and the Pro Pac Adult Mini Chunk.

    Recall Info: On January 11, 2021, and FDA alert was issued on the Pro Pac Adult Mini Chunk, 40 lb. bags and Pro Pac Performance Puppy, 40 lb. bags manufactured in Midwestern Pet Foodss Oklahoma plant with expiration dates of July 9, 2022 or earlier.

    This is an expanded recall that was issued out of caution since the Pro Pac recipes were produced in the same plant as the Sportsmix foods that have caused the deaths of more than 70 dogs and the illness of around 80 at least.

    Problem Ingredients: none

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