Sunday, September 8, 2024

Transitioning Puppy To New Food

A Guide To Transitioning Your Dogs Foodand Why Fasting Can Be A Healthy Option

How To Transition Your Dog To Raw Food
  • Though dog owners are traditionally advised to slowly transition from one pet food to another over several days to avoid gastrointestinal distress, theres no evidence that switching food in itself causes stomach problems. Most dogs can switch to a new food without an extended transition period.
  • We recommend a 24-hour fast before you feed your first fresh-food meal to your dog.
  • Fasting isnt starving! And it has numerous benefits for dogsit can boost immunity and detoxification, and promote overall health.
  • A short fast is easier than you think. If you feed twice a day, give your dog their existing food for their morning meal. Skip the evening meal and provide only water until the next morning. If you feed once a day, no change is necessary!
  • Dont fast if your dog is under one year old, pregnant or lactating, or has diabetes or another serious health condition. Contact our customer service team if you have any questions.

Fasting has been shown to have numerous health benefits for humansstudies have linked temporary periods of not eating to everything from decreased inflammation and reduced risk of cancer to improved brain function and longevity. Unsurprisingly, the benefits of fasting apply to other animals, including dogs.

And when it comes to transitioning from kibble or canned to fresh food, for healthy adult dogs, fasting can act as a much-needed reset, making a fresh dietary start even fresher!

A more direct way to transition dog food

Why fasting is a healthy option

How Long Does It Take A Puppy To Adjust To A New Food

Itâs really impossible to put a timeline on how long a puppy will take to get acclimated to new food. This is because all puppiesâ stomachs are different.

Some will be able to successfully complete a food transition in a few weeks. For others, it can take as long as a few months. Itâs important that if at any point you feel your dog is in distress, you reach out to a vet and express your concerns.

What Not To Do

Lets say your dog normally eats Chicken Chow, but the store has a special on Sausage Snacks.

You decide to give your pup something different, so you fill the basket with a change of menu. After all, your dog must get pretty bored eating the same thing every day dont they?

Dont change out the food all out once. Your dog may be super-excited about the new taste, but as sure as dogs have wet noses, such a sudden change will lead to a stomach upset.

Instead, switch the dog food gradually during the course of a full week, which gives your pets digestive system enough time to adjust.

Keep reading for specific guidance on how best to do this.

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Its Very Exciting When You Get A New Puppy And Are Eager To Do The Very Best You Can And Change Them Over To Fresh Foodshowever It Is Super Important That You Dont Jump The Gun

When your puppy comes home with you, it can be incredibly stressful for them. They have just left their littermates, their mum, and everything that is familiar to them.A change of diet can make things even worse and result in stress runny poos and upset tummies, especially if your dog has never had raw food before.I recommend keeping your puppy on their original food for at least 2 weeks, then you can start to expand their diet once you know that everything is okay and regular.I wouldnt suggest changing foods if your puppy isnt eating or toileting properly. These are all signs of stress.When you do get to the stage that you want to start adding new foods, do it slowly and simply. Add one thing at a time over a few days then add something else. That can be protein at a time or commercial products. If you experience some runny poos consider checking out our digestive issues file in the files section in our Facebook group.We also recommend checking out the START HERE file and the PUPPY file. All of which will help you.From my personal experience with my puppy Vixen, the only addition she received immediately was Antinol.

Find A Similar Dog Food Formula


Pick a new dog food that closely matches the previously used variety. For example, if your dog was eating a lamb and rice product that was recalled, purchase another companys lamb and rice formulation. Read the ingredient list. If you can match up the first few ingredients, the foods will be fairly similar. Also, review the guaranteed analysis on both labels. Avoid big changes in the percentages of protein, fat, and fiber, whenever possible.

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Why You Should Switch Your Dog To A New Food

Why would you want to feed your dog a different diet? Whats the point of switching foods?

There are actually several important reasons why you may need to transition your fur-baby to a new food, such as:

  • You want to feed a higher-quality food to your dog

  • Your pet has a food allergy or is sensitive to a particular ingredient

  • Your dog needs to lose or gain weight

  • Its time for your puppy to switch to adult dog food

  • Youre welcoming a new puppy or adopting a dog

  • You want to switch from dry to wet food to give your pet more variety

  • Your pet needs to switch to a special diet on the advice of your veterinarian

Prescription dog food can be expensive.

Many pet insurance plans cover the cost of prescription food. Invest in pet insurance today and save over $270 a year on vet care costs.

Recommended Serving Size For Homemade Dog Food:

The amount of homemade dog food that your dog will require is dependent upon how much your dog weighs and how active he or she is. This amount varies from dog-to-dog. I suggest talking to your vet and getting their advice on a good starting point.

You can also monitor your dog to make sure they are maintaining their weight and staying happy and active.

This recipe makes about 6 cups of food, which is 3 days worth of food for Charlie who is about 45 pounds. You can easily adjust this amount based on the weight of your dog. Also, feel free to scale this recipe up and double or even triple it, if you wanted to cook less often.

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How Quickly Do Dogs Adapt To New Pet Food

  • How Quickly Do Dogs Adapt to New Pet Food?
  • Prepare for unexpected vet bills

    But if youve found a better diet for your dog, youll also need to take special care to help them adjust to their new food.

    But how long does it take dogs to adjust to a new food? And what can you do to make the transition easier? Keep reading to find out.

    Why would you want to feed your dog a different diet? Whats the point of switching foods?

    There are actually several important reasons why you may need to transition your fur-baby to a new food, such as:

    • You want to feed a higher-quality food to your dog

    • Your pet has a food allergy or is sensitive to a particular ingredient

    • Your dog needs to lose or gain weight

    • Its time for your puppy to switch to adult dog food

    • Youre welcoming a new puppy or adopting a dog

    • You want to switch from dry to wet food to give your pet more variety

    • Your pet needs to switch to a special diet on the advice of your veterinarian

    Some dogs will switch to a new food with no hassles at all. But for many dogs, introducing them to a new diet can result in an upset stomach. Were talking diarrhea, vomiting, and other digestive symptoms, all of which can be quite unpleasant for your dog and quite worrying for you.

    So instead of abruptly cutting off their old diet and feeding their new one, its important to make the change gradually so your dog has a chance to adapt.

    The ratios should look something like this:

    How To Transition Your Dog To A New Food

    How to Transition Your Pet Onto a New Food

    Changing your dogs diet is not something you can do overnight. The shift to a new food should be made slowly to avoid stomach upsets.

    Here’s our guide on how to transition your dog to a new food in a comfortable way for them.

    If youve decided to make a change to your dogs diet, whether its a different brand, a new balance between wet and dry food, or even shifting from puppy food to adult, or adult to senior pet food, its really important that you do so slowly. While we can happily eat a variety of foods in one day, our pets have very different digestive systems – where an abrupt change in diet can lead to digestive upsets. Therefore, gradually introducing the new food is the best way to avoid some of the issues that can occur with a change in diet.

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    Best Probiotic With Fiber

    Eliminate the fear of switching dog food by keeping a can of Fruitables Switch on hand. Touted as the just-right balance of soluble to insoluble fiber, Switch supports a healthy gut to ensure a smooth transition to your dogs new food. We love the transparency of this products, as its one and only ingredient is pumpkin. Pumpkin is safe for humans and dogs, and the pure pumpkin in Switch contains no additives or preservatives.


    • Tasty pumpkin base is a flavor most dogs love
    • Helps decrease the risk of loose stool or digestive issues when changing foods
    • Made in the USA and developed by a veterinarian
    • Easily replace 30 percent of your dogs current food with Switch when transitioning
    • Can be used after transitioning for a daily fiber addition

    Things to Consider

    • Unused portion must be refrigerated after opening and remains fresh up to seven days
    • Contains 4 calories per tablespoon
    • Consult with your dogs veterinarian first if your pet has a medical condition or takes medication

    How To Switch Dog Food

    You may be anxious to make the switch to a new food, particularly if the new food will help address any issues your dog is having. A gradual transition is the best way to switch to a new food, though.

    We recommend making the switch over a 7- to 10-day period. This gives your dog a chance to adjust to the new food.

    Heres our 7- to 10-day plan for switching dog food:

    • Days 1 to 2: Feed 3/4 of the normal amount of current food and add 1/4 of the new food.
    • Days 3 to 4: Serve half the current food and half the new food.
    • Days 5 to 7: Feed 3/4 of the new food and 1/4 the previous food.
    • Days 8 to 10: Serve only the new food.

    If your dog doesnt seem to like the new food or if he experiences digestive upset, extend the transition over a few more days. You can also ask your veterinarian for advice.

    Remember, you can use this transition process any time you need to change your dogs food.

    Visit our Pet Expertise page for more nutrition and feeding tips from our experts.

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    Identify When They’re Not Ready

    Your dog may not seem to tolerate the new food, no matter how slowly you go, and that’s OK too. Slowly shift them back to the old food and start again with something else after giving his tummy a break. It could be that the new dog food contains ingredients to which your dog has an intolerance or allergy. If you continue to have trouble changing dog food, or if his stools contain blood or an unusual color, you should consult a veterinarian.

    Catering To Your Dogs Preferences

    Transitioning Your Dog to a New Pet Food #PawNatural
  • 1Be aware that your dog may not like the food you have chosen. Its not guaranteed that your dog will like the food you buy it. This is because, just like humans, dogs have specific taste preferences that vary from dog to dog. Your dog might not like some of the foods simply because its stomach or taste buds disagreed with it.XResearch source
  • For this reason, you need to buy the smallest choice of bag available when trying new foods. Most foods carry 4-5 pound bags, so buy one of these.
  • 2Do a taste test with your dog. Get a few pieces of the dog food into your hand. Make sure its enough to take more than one bite/lick, but not enough to ruin your dogs feeding schedule. If you feed your dog snacks sometimes, this would be a good time to test the food. If your dog seems to like the food, it will probably be wagging its tail and trying to convince you to feed it more of the food. If your dog doesnt like the food, it will most likely walk away without finishing the rest.
  • Offer your dog water to wash down the taste of the possibly unappetizing food.
  • 3Try other brands if needed. If your dog liked the dog food, you can move on. If your dog didnt, you need to find another food to switch to. You need to go shopping for dog food again.XResearch source
  • If a dog you know eats the brand you chose, give it to another dogs owner. That way, you technically arent wasting it.
  • Also Check: Is Just Food For Dogs Healthy

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    Time Flies When Youre With Your Furry Friend

    It would be adorable if our canine companions could be puppies forever. However, switching from puppy food to adult food is an important step as your puppy grows. Your puppy will become a full-fledged adult before you know it, so get all the puppy kisses and love while you can! Regardless of their age, its crucial to feed your children well it can make all the difference in the world in their health as they grow and mature.

    Want to learn more mealtime tips and other ways you can help support your four-legged friend? Join our Best Friends Club to receive our exclusive email newsletter full of interesting articles and members-only discounts on Bil-Jac dog food, treats, products, and other training tips.

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    Changing Your Pet Food: Why And How

    Thursday, November 3, 2016 | HealthNutrition

    There are many reasons to consider switching pet food flavors, types or brands. But how do you go about changing your pet food, and how do you know its really time?

    Your pet may eagerly devour a new type of pet food. But your pets digestive tract may not be as enthusiastic: Vomiting, diarrhea and gas are just a few of the potential consequences to a sudden food switch. Thats why food transitions should be made gradually, over the course of a week or more, to give your pets digestive tract a chance to adjust.

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    How Fast To Transition Dog Food

    Regardless of what kind of food youre switching your dog to, for most dogs, its important to go slow. People eat different food every day, but for many dogs, eating new food is a rare occurrence although ideally, it shouldn’t be .

    If your dog isnt used to having new food in his bowl, it can cause digestive upset and he might even refuse to eat it.

    Although you may think your dog has an “iron stomach, transitioning to a new food too quickly can create some unpleasant side effects. Here are some symptoms of changing dog food too quickly:

    • Gas and bloating

    Let Your Dog Taste A Sample Of The New Food

    How to transition your dog onto new foods? | Dog Nutrition Lessons | Ep 16.

    When you first get your new dog food, let your dog taste a sample of it first thing in the morning. This will let you see just how enthusiastic he is about eating the food, and it will get your dog used to the idea of trying something new. By introducing it to him in the morning, you will make it look like a special treat, which may further entice your dog to eat the food later on.

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    Guide To Pet Diet Preparation During Their Transition From Puppy To Adult

    Food is an essential part of life, be it humans or dogs. Do you own a dog who is transitioning from a puppy to an adult? Dogs go from being puppies to adults in a short span of time. Their bodies change and they require food that fits their metabolism. Here in the UK , constant changes in weather can cause discomfort to dogs, especially during the transition period.

    Every dogs body needs a change in food at some point or another. Switching dog food according to your pets needs can sometimes become challenging because of various understandable reasons. It is very important to know how to switch to a new dog food gradually and you should read on, to find out more

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    How To Choose A Dog Food

    Choosing an appropriate diet for your dog is a complicated process. The sheer number of dog food options available is overwhelming. Unfortunately, there is no one diet that is best for every dog. Just like humans, dogs are individuals and their dietary needs vary depending on factors such as age, health, and personal preferences.

    To make the process even more complicated, there are also a lot of myths about dog food on the internet. Many people fall victim to advertising campaigns or scare tactics warning them away from commercial dog foods. Fortunately, the World Small Animal Veterinary Association has published a guide entitled The Savvy Dog Owners Guide: Nutrition on the Internet to help pet owners decipher fact from fiction when doing their own research about dog food.

    Learning how to read a pet food label can also help demystify the process of choosing a dog food. The information on a pet food label is guided by the Association of American Feed Control Officials . AAFCO is responsible for establishing definitions for many of the terms you will find on a bag of dog food. Understanding these labeling requirements can make it easier to identify which products are best for your dog. Look for the words complete and balanced diet on the label.

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